The last speech of the late principal

All praise is to Allah Rabbul A’lamin, who created us as “Ashraful Makhlukat”. The reason for our superiority has been given by Allah in the Holy Quran. “You are the best of nations, your duty is to call people to goodness, to enjoin good deeds and to forbid evil deeds.” So this is the only reason for our superiority, which does not apply to any other creation. In this short life cycle of my life, I chose the profession of “teaching” from the extreme urge of life-questioning. Because there is no other option to create “Ashraful Makhlukat” without teaching platform.

Hundreds of obstacles, storms and hostility could not discourage me in this effort. As a result of which, I came to life science and started the work of building this new institution. Its purpose is not only to leave the milestone of the name “Faizur Rahman”. Rather, the society can maintain the relentless pace of this factory of creating Ashraful Makhlukat, and take the goals and objectives of this organization to the extreme level. And this requires relentless efforts of students, teachers and parents.

Today we are faced with a difficult test of following Islam and preserving faith in the ongoing complex society and life of 1400 Hijri. Future life-battles are more difficult for our young children. Therefore, in addition to worldly education, minimum Islamic education is required for every Muslim. Because complete self-realization of man is not possible without worldly and hereafter education. And the purpose of education is self-identity; Is true self-esteem possible without an astral connection with creation?

Therefore, the seriousness of the meager efforts of religious education in this institution is undeniable. But the success of this small effort of ours will depend on the relentless efforts and awareness of teachers, students and parents. Because students are in the running stream of society. Therefore, my sincere request to every socially conscious God-fearing parent, the important responsibility of practicing and following up on the Islamic guidelines of the school is also entrusted to you. If we all do not remember this, then the success of our efforts is not possible.

Not only good results in exams but also when students, teachers and parents work in the same direction and speed with the vow of creating “Ashraful Makhluk”, then it will be possible for us to achieve the desired goal.

May Allah help us. Our life path is not despair but seeking God’s help and support.

Md. Faizur Rahman
The Principal
Date: December 5, 2007

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